Theatreworks: Frosty: A Musical Adventure
A young orphan named Billy discovers magic in a stolen hat, and when he places the hat on a snowman’s head, that snowman comes to life! Can Frosty help Billy find his real family in time for Christmas? Join them on a thrilling quest through New York City as they discover that the real magic of the Season is Love.
Grades: K-4
60 minutes
Curriculum Themes: Communication and Language Arts, Literature-Based, Music, Relationships and Family.
To purchase individual and homeschool tickets, call the box office at (904) 355-2787 or reserve online with the link. Note: all tickets contain a $1.50 restoration fee, and online orders contain a $10.00 per ticket convenience fee. To avoid the online convenience fee, call the Florida Theatre box office to purchase.
Grades: K-4
60 minutes
Curriculum Themes: Communication and Language Arts, Literature-Based, Music, Relationships and Family.
To purchase individual and homeschool tickets, call the box office at (904) 355-2787 or reserve online with the link. Note: all tickets contain a $1.50 restoration fee, and online orders contain a $10.00 per ticket convenience fee. To avoid the online convenience fee, call the Florida Theatre box office to purchase.