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Florida Theatre
128 East Forsyth Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Box Office - 904.355.2787

The Box Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am - 5pm. We also open 4 hours prior to the start of evening shows and 2 hours prior to the start of matinee shows.

You may reply directly back to your ticket confirmation email if you have questions or concerns pertaining your order.

For questions regarding tickets, please email

FAQ - click here

Killers of Kill Tony

Killers of Kill Tony
Building upon the success and energy of “Kill Tony”, "Killers of Kill Tony" showcases the diverse talent pool of comedians who have graced the stage of the original podcast with their wit, humor, and unique comedic styles. “Killers of Kill Tony” will feature your favorite characters doing their longer standup sets, all in one night. Regulars and fan favorites from “Kill Tony”, the #1 live podcast in the world, bring their standup show on the road with “Killers of Kill Tony”.

The current “Killers of Kill Tony” lineup includes Kam Patterson, Ari Matti, Martin Phillips and Harland Williams. This lineup is subject to change.